STG PTS / Shellshock Workshop

Swindon Trauma Group Workshop

Post Trauma Stress / Shellshock

Treatment and Support - Myth or Reality?

Due to unforeseen circumstances this workshop has had to be postponed until later in the year

Venue: Kingston House, Lydiard Fields, Swindon SN5 8UB

Date: Wednesday 28 June 2023

Time: 0945- 1600

Cost £25 of which £15 will pay for lunch and literature, with £10 donated to the Swindon Trauma Group

Thought for the day

To live without hope is to cease to live

Fyodor Dostoevsky

0945- 1015: Meet and Greet – Registration- Why not a cuppa?

1015- 1045: Introduction- Richard Hilling ARRC

Brief history of Post Trauma Stress (PTS). Understanding PTS and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Remember Guernica, Calais and Lima

1045-1115: Video “The Falklands War” This excellent video depicts how the Royal Navy dealt with battlestress during the Falklands War in 1982. The video was used extensively during the 1st Gulf War as part of a Battlestress Prevention Course.

1115-1130: Break

1130-1230 : Group Discussion                                                 

1. Staff Support- What about Critical Incident Debriefing? What about Covid?

2. How to prevent PTS/PTSD in ourselves

3. I say again as I have in the past. What about the future?

Summary of the day so far.


1330- 1430 First Gulf War 1991: Individual Experience. What was the role of the Battle Shock Recovery Unit (BRU) and the PIE principle – Proximity Immediacy Expectancy?

Coping with a Personal Crisis and the British Red Cross

Exercise: Life Events based on the Holmes – Rahe Stress Scale

Shall we try Benson’s Relaxation Technique? Epitomised by the French Cardiologist

1430- 1500: Break- Tea or Coffee, why not Doughnut Therapy?

1500-1545: Group Discussion – The Way Forward.

A. What about today- What have we learnt from the past?

B. What facilities are available for post trauma stress? The consequences now!

C. Setting up what?

D. What about care for all- for example Carers, Children and Pets? Support for all following trauma.

E. The availability now of self help books please see Recommended Reading and Viewing at

For those living in Swindon the books are available for loan at the Central and West Swindon libraries

1545- 1600 Endings, reflection of the day

May I wish all delegates a safe journey home and thank  Kingston House for providing tea, coffee and biscuits at the mid morning and afternoon break.

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